Alex Salmond: Rädsla för invandring ska inte styra

Skottlands first minister, Alex Salmond (SNP), skriver i The Herald Scotland att invandring är en nödvändighet för att hålla kvoten mellan arbetande och pensionerade konstant – och någonting Skottland borde omfamna snarare än vara rädda för. Han kritiserar både Tories-regeringen och Labour för att använda skrämselpropaganda, och understryker istället hur Skottland historiskt formats av många olika nationaliteter och etniciteter.

By contrast, the main Westminster parties have decided to deploy immigration as a weapon in their increasingly tawdry self-styled ’Project Fear’ campaign. The UK Government and Labour Party are using an estimate that net annual migration needs to rise to 24,000 to match or exceed the same ratio of working people to pensioners in the UK as if it were something to be frightened of – a reason to vote No.

But in the 10 years to 2011/12 net migration to Scotland averaged around 22,000 a year. That means we need just 2000 more people a year.

As well as practical policies we can jettison the aggressive language of the mainstream Westminster parties, who instead of standing up to the likes of Ukip have decided to pander to them, and in this referendum to copy their tactics of engendering fear of ”immigration”.

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